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Museum Assoc. Annual Meeting

Museum Assoc.  Annual Meeting
DANIELS COUNTY MUSEUM ASSOCIATION officers were at the head table at the museum annual meeting Janury 28 in the visitor center. They are v.p. Frank Edwards; pres. Mike Thievin; secretary Brenda Cook; and treasurer Annette Thievin.
Museum Assoc.  Annual Meeting
DANIELS COUNTY MUSEUM ASSOCIATION officers were at the head table at the museum annual meeting Janury 28 in the visitor center. They are v.p. Frank Edwards; pres. Mike Thievin; secretary Brenda Cook; and treasurer Annette Thievin.

Daniels County Museum Association held it’s annual meeting January 28. Present were Pres. Mike Thievin, Vice Pres. Frank Edwards, Secretary Brenda Cook, Treasurer Annette Thievin and directors: Felix Gilbertson, Ross Tuggle, Richard Hawbaker, Justin Hanson, and Paul Nelson.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Highlights included: A net income of about $5,800 was shown for the year largely due to a very successful Friday night concert opening Pioneer Days; the Dirty Shame Show, Brewfest coming in under budget and an increase in memberships and donations. Vincent Gaffaney Foundation donated $20,000 for the new Rex Theater addition and stage floor. Donations are also coming in to help create a home for the old Flaxville Depot a home at Pioneer Town.

Total income came in 115% above t...