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City Business . . .


Taken from the unapproved minutes and reporter’s notes of the regular meeting of City Council, City of Scobey, Montana held Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 8:30 a.m.

REGULAR MEETING Mayor Morgan Lekvold called the meeting to order with councilmembers Niki Larson, Brian French, Greg Crowder, and Seth Axtman were present. Susan Bekker, Fire Chief Wyatt Wilder, PWD Steve Berreth, Jason Nasby (8:46), Judge Jerod Nieskens (8:47) and Clerk Sonya M. Southland also attended.

Public Works — PWD Berreth reported they have started hauling garbage to Sheridan County. City keeps a copy of the scale receipt, and leave a copy with Sheridan County Landfill. The Crew will be sanding today.

Fire Chief Report— Fire Chief Wyatt Wilder reported they drafted an application for new members for the Council to review. Applications will be filed at City Hall. Mayor Lekvold reported that we were not awarded the grant for the PAR for a new fire hall. A review of the non-awarded application will be scheduled.

Council Comment – Councilman Axtman discussed hauling some dirt/ gravel over to Smith Ave. Mayor Lekvold said he heard a complaint about the City hauling garbage to Sheridan County.

Judge Jerod Nieskens addressed the Council regarding current citations. He reviewed seven citations (the ones Mayor Lekvold asked about) and explained how they are cited and the process. He showed Council examples of how some citations are written - eligible writing and/or wrong boxes checked. The Sheriff’s Office has resolved some of these issues and now submits electronic copies with written ci...