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Senior Sports Spotlight Sponsored by Handran Insurance Mia Handran Scobey Cross Country Date of birth? July 23, 2006. Family? Jonna Handran, Gary Handran, Bryce Handran. Nicknames: Mi. People love to call me Mya though Favorite class: Art. Favorite teams? Gonzaga men’s basketball. Favorite athletes I enjoy(ed) watching? Drew Timme and Sydney McLaughlin. Favorite TV shows? Friends, Squid Game. Favorite movies? Wreck It Ralph. Favorite musicians: Abba, Elton John, Yeat. Favorite foods? Popcorn, pasta, anything with shrimp. Favorite holiday? Christmas. My hobbies are: Running, singing and drawing. My pet peeve is: Soggy fries. My role model is: Nana Karen. If I could go to dinner with two people, living or dead, I would choose: My Nana Karen and my mom. If I could attend any event in the world, past or present, I would like to be at: I want to attend the Paris Summer Olympics in 2024. My favorite thing about school is: Getting stuff done and feeling accomplished. If I could choose a favorite vacation spot I would go to: Oceanside, California. In my spare time I like to: Listen to music or online shop. My greatest accomplishment thus far is: Getting the 800-meter run school record and getting second at the State track meet. My future plans are: Become an All-American for track in college and get a successful job after college. Other than Scobey, my favorite cross country course to compete on is: Sidney Golf Course. My biggest moment in sports has been: Getting second at state in the 800 OR scoring 14 points against Plentywood in B-ball. Tell an interesting or unique fact about yourself most people don’t know: I’m adopted. If I could snap my fingers and instantly acquire a new talent, it would be: To run and never ever get tired. If I could meet one person from all of sports history it would be: Flo-Jo. If I hit the lottery for $423 million after taxes, one lump sum, A luxury house and I’d buy Scobey a rubberized track. If I’ve learned one thing in life it is: As soon as you trust yourself, everything will fall into place. you can do whatever you set your mind to, even if the world is doubting you. Liana Handran, Licensed Agent Chye Dennis, Licensed Agent 406-487-2090 7 Daniels Street • Scobey, MT 59263
Senior Sports Spotlight Sponsored by Handran Insurance Mia Handran Scobey Cross Country Date of birth? July 23, 2006. Family? Jonna Handran, Gary Handran, Bryce Handran. Nicknames: Mi. People love to call me Mya though Favorite class: Art. Favorite teams? Gonzaga men’s basketball. Favorite athletes I enjoy(ed) watching? Drew Timme and Sydney McLaughlin. Favorite TV shows? Friends, Squid Game. Favorite movies? Wreck It Ralph. Favorite musicians: Abba, Elton John, Yeat. Favorite foods? Popcorn, pasta, anything with shrimp. Favorite holiday? Christmas. My hobbies are: Running, singing and drawing. My pet peeve is: Soggy fries. My role model is: Nana Karen. If I could go to dinner with two people, living or dead, I would choose: My Nana Karen and my mom. If I could attend any event in the world, past or present, I would like to be at: I want to attend the Paris Summer Olympics in 2024. My favorite thing about school is: Getting stuff done and feeling accomplished. If I could choose a favorite vacation spot I would go to: Oceanside, California. In my spare time I like to: Listen to music or online shop. My greatest accomplishment thus far is: Getting the 800-meter run school record and getting second at the State track meet. My future plans are: Become an All-American for track in college and get a successful job after college. Other than Scobey, my favorite cross country course to compete on is: Sidney Golf Course. My biggest moment in sports has been: Getting second at state in the 800 OR scoring 14 points against Plentywood in B-ball. Tell an interesting or unique fact about yourself most people don’t know: I’m adopted. If I could snap my fingers and instantly acquire a new talent, it would be: To run and never ever get tired. If I could meet one person from all of sports history it would be: Flo-Jo. If I hit the lottery for $423 million after taxes, one lump sum, A luxury house and I’d buy Scobey a rubberized track. If I’ve learned one thing in life it is: As soon as you trust yourself, everything will fall into place. you can do whatever you set your mind to, even if the world is doubting you. Liana Handran, Licensed Agent Chye Dennis, Licensed Agent 406-487-2090 7 Daniels Street • Scobey, MT 59263