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BUY—SELL—RENT—WHATEVER PHONE (406) 487-5303 All LEADER classified ads must include name/firm and address: RATES: 35¢ a word (minimum $6.30).Additional same insertions at 30¢ a word; discount for advance payment. Monday noon deadline for insertion or change that week. Display classified adv. $8.00 per column inch (3 inch minimum). LEADER ADS GET RESULTS! Leader Classified Ads Are Online For Free at Classified KEY NUMBERS: on last line of EACH want ad appears a key . . . p-paid, c-charge, tfc-til further notice charge. These respective letters always are preceded by a number. . . 12-14c, for instance, means first insertion began the 12th issue of the year and will run thru issue number 14, charged. 11tfc means the ad began on the 11th issue of the current year and will appear in each issue thereafter until customer advises stop. Leader issue number is found each week at the upper left hand corner of the front page, just under the 'flag' denoting name of publication.
BUY—SELL—RENT—WHATEVER PHONE (406) 487-5303 All LEADER classified ads must include name/firm and address: RATES: 35¢ a word (minimum $6.30).Additional same insertions at 30¢ a word; discount for advance payment. Monday noon deadline for insertion or change that week. Display classified adv. $8.00 per column inch (3 inch minimum). LEADER ADS GET RESULTS! Leader Classified Ads Are Online For Free at Classified KEY NUMBERS: on last line of EACH want ad appears a key . . . p-paid, c-charge, tfc-til further notice charge. These respective letters always are preceded by a number. . . 12-14c, for instance, means first insertion began the 12th issue of the year and will run thru issue number 14, charged. 11tfc means the ad began on the 11th issue of the current year and will appear in each issue thereafter until customer advises stop. Leader issue number is found each week at the upper left hand corner of the front page, just under the 'flag' denoting name of publication.