News Posted on May 8, 2024 Posted on May 8, 2024 danielscountyleader_20240509_daniels_county_leader_05-09-2024_16_w-or9_art_3.xml Fri-Sat -Sun RicharDson May 10-11-12 T heatre Show Tim es: Owned and Operated for the community Fri & Sat - 7 p.m. BEACON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Sunday - 4 p.m. Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen Henderson, Sonoya Mizuno, Nick Offerman Coming Attractions: (subject to change): UnsungHero(PG); The Fall Guy (13); Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (13) The R Civil War 1 hr. 54 min. Garfield Movie (PG) A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House. $8 Movie Passes and $5 Movie Coupon Books sold at the Theatre and Leader Summer show times change soon - May 24-25-26 Fri-Sat -Sun RicharDson May 10-11-12 T heatre Show Tim es: Owned and Operated for the community Fri & Sat - 7 p.m. BEACON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Sunday - 4 p.m. Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen Henderson, Sonoya Mizuno, Nick Offerman Coming Attractions: (subject to change): UnsungHero(PG); The Fall Guy (13); Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (13) The R Civil War 1 hr. 54 min. Garfield Movie (PG) A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House. $8 Movie Passes and $5 Movie Coupon Books sold at the Theatre and Leader Summer show times change soon - May 24-25-26