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__________________________________________________ that has a project to improve the community, apply today for a Grant or contact us for more information. Applications are available starting September 12 at: Wolfe-Daniels Insurance, Tade Accounting ________________________ PRO Co-op in Peerless and Flaxville ______________________________________________
Beacon gave $11,278 in Grants last year to Daniels County Organizations!! __________________________________________________ that has a project to improve the community, apply today for a Grant or contact us for more information. Applications are available starting September 12 at: Wolfe-Daniels Insurance, Tade Accounting ________________________ PRO Co-op in Peerless and Flaxville ______________________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________ P.O. Box 726, _________________or contact us to make arrangements. 'Helping Daniels County to Help Itself'
Beacon gave $11,278 in Grants last year to Daniels County Organizations!! __________________________________________________ that has a project to improve the community, apply today for a Grant or contact us for more information. Applications are available starting September 12 at: Wolfe-Daniels Insurance, Tade Accounting ________________________ PRO Co-op in Peerless and Flaxville ______________________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________________ _______________________________ P.O. Box 726, _________________or contact us to make arrangements. 'Helping Daniels County to Help Itself'