LAND FOR SALE BY SEALED BID The Terry L. Mohn Estate is accepting written bids on the following real property in Daniels County, Montana, to-wit: PARCEL 1: Bid Requirements 1. Property will be sold for CASH ONLY. A certified check in the amount of ten percent (10%) of T35 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 19: Lots 1 and 2, and the E1/2NW1/4 152 Total acres, more or less Containing approximately 149 acres seeded to wheat in 2024. PARCEL 2: the written bid or bids, made payable to Fosland Law Firm Trust Account, must accompany the bid. Bid should be sealed in a secure envelope with the designation on the outside of the envelope to read “T. Mohn Land”. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Successful bidder(s) will pay balance due on bid by the date of closing. If balance of the successful bidder’s bid price is not paid by closing date, the deposit will be forfeited to Seller(s) as liquidated damages. Possession will be upon closing. 2. Potential Buyers may bid on one or more of the parcels above. Each parcel must be bid separately T35 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 31: SE1/4 Section 32: E1/2, E1/2W1/2 - 480 Section 33: SW1/4 T34 N, R 50 East M.P.M. Section 5: NW1/4NW1/4 less 10-acre Parcel and 2 acres for cemetery, and a 10% certified check must accompany E1/2, E1/2SW1/4, SW1/4SW1/4, NE1/4NW1/4, S1/2NW1/4 34 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 6: NE1/4, E1/2SE1/4 1,624 Total acres more or less Containing approximately 1,236 acres seeded to peas in 2024 and 345 acres of hay land (previous CRP). PARCEL 3: each bid. The bid for each parcel that gives the highest dollar value to Seller will be considered. 3. Sealed bids will be accepted at Fosland Law Firm, P.L.L.C., 217 Main Street, P.O. Box 830, Scobey, Montana 59263, until 12:00 noon Friday, October 25, 2024. Bids will be opened at 1:00 p.m. that day. Bid acceptance/rejection will be determined after consultation with Seller and Fosland Law Firm will notify bidders of acceptance/rejection. 4. Closing of the sale will be on or before November 13, 2024, to allow for lender financing, if needed. 5. Seller is reserving all oil, gas, and other mineral interests. No minerals will be transferred to Buyer. 6. Seller will provide an Owners Title Insurance Policy showing title to the property vested in the successful bidder for the amount of the purchase price. 7. 2024 property taxes will be paid by the Seller. 8. Seller will provide buyer with a good and sufficient T34 N, R49 East M.P.M. Section 23: E1/2, NE1/4NW1/4 Section 24: S1/2 Section 26: NW1/4NE1/4 720 Total acres, more or less Containing approximately 617 acres seeded to peas in 2024. PARCEL 4: T34 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 29: W1/2SE1/4, S1/2SW1/4 Section 32: W1/2NE1/4,N1/2NW1/4,E1/4NW1/4 360 Total acres, more or/less Containing approximately 306 acres of hay land (previous warranty deed at the time of closing. CRP). PARCEL 5: 9. Seller will pay for Seller’s attorney fees. 10. Each party will pay their own closing agent’s fees and costs. 11. Lands are subject to existing cash lease terminating October 2024. For further information, contact Fosland Law Firm, PLLC, at the above address, by phone at 406-487-2702, or by e-mail at info@foslandlawfirm. T33 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 6: Lots 5 and 6, less 1 Acre (COS 236252 to Dry Prairie), NE1/4SW1/4, S1/2NE1/4, N1/2SE1/4, SE1/4NW1/4 com between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 316 Total acres, more or less Containing approximately 310 acres seeded to wheat in 2024. p.m., Monday through Thursday. Publication Dates: 9/19/24, 9/26/24, 10/3/24 LAND FOR SALE BY SEALED BID The Terry L. Mohn Estate is accepting written bids on the following real property in Daniels County, Montana, to-wit: PARCEL 1: Bid Requirements 1. Property will be sold for CASH ONLY. A certified check in the amount of ten percent (10%) of T35 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 19: Lots 1 and 2, and the E1/2NW1/4 152 Total acres, more or less Containing approximately 149 acres seeded to wheat in 2024. PARCEL 2: the written bid or bids, made payable to Fosland Law Firm Trust Account, must accompany the bid. Bid should be sealed in a secure envelope with the designation on the outside of the envelope to read “T. Mohn Land”. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Successful bidder(s) will pay balance due on bid by the date of closing. If balance of the successful bidder’s bid price is not paid by closing date, the deposit will be forfeited to Seller(s) as liquidated damages. Possession will be upon closing. 2. Potential Buyers may bid on one or more of the parcels above. Each parcel must be bid separately T35 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 31: SE1/4 Section 32: E1/2, E1/2W1/2 - 480 Section 33: SW1/4 T34 N, R 50 East M.P.M. Section 5: NW1/4NW1/4 less 10-acre Parcel and 2 acres for cemetery, and a 10% certified check must accompany E1/2, E1/2SW1/4, SW1/4SW1/4, NE1/4NW1/4, S1/2NW1/4 34 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 6: NE1/4, E1/2SE1/4 1,624 Total acres more or less Containing approximately 1,236 acres seeded to peas in 2024 and 345 acres of hay land (previous CRP). PARCEL 3: each bid. The bid for each parcel that gives the highest dollar value to Seller will be considered. 3. Sealed bids will be accepted at Fosland Law Firm, P.L.L.C., 217 Main Street, P.O. Box 830, Scobey, Montana 59263, until 12:00 noon Friday, October 25, 2024. Bids will be opened at 1:00 p.m. that day. Bid acceptance/rejection will be determined after consultation with Seller and Fosland Law Firm will notify bidders of acceptance/rejection. 4. Closing of the sale will be on or before November 13, 2024, to allow for lender financing, if needed. 5. Seller is reserving all oil, gas, and other mineral interests. No minerals will be transferred to Buyer. 6. Seller will provide an Owners Title Insurance Policy showing title to the property vested in the successful bidder for the amount of the purchase price. 7. 2024 property taxes will be paid by the Seller. 8. Seller will provide buyer with a good and sufficient T34 N, R49 East M.P.M. Section 23: E1/2, NE1/4NW1/4 Section 24: S1/2 Section 26: NW1/4NE1/4 720 Total acres, more or less Containing approximately 617 acres seeded to peas in 2024. PARCEL 4: T34 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 29: W1/2SE1/4, S1/2SW1/4 Section 32: W1/2NE1/4,N1/2NW1/4,E1/4NW1/4 360 Total acres, more or/less Containing approximately 306 acres of hay land (previous warranty deed at the time of closing. CRP). PARCEL 5: 9. Seller will pay for Seller’s attorney fees. 10. Each party will pay their own closing agent’s fees and costs. 11. Lands are subject to existing cash lease terminating October 2024. For further information, contact Fosland Law Firm, PLLC, at the above address, by phone at 406-487-2702, or by e-mail at info@foslandlawfirm. T33 N, R50 East M.P.M. Section 6: Lots 5 and 6, less 1 Acre (COS 236252 to Dry Prairie), NE1/4SW1/4, S1/2NE1/4, N1/2SE1/4, SE1/4NW1/4 com between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 316 Total acres, more or less Containing approximately 310 acres seeded to wheat in 2024. p.m., Monday through Thursday. Publication Dates: 9/19/24, 9/26/24, 10/3/24
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