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WHAT IS CI-126? TOP FOUR OPEN PRIMARY CI-126 changes primary elections so that all candidates, regardless of party, appear on a single ballot in June and all voters are able to choose between them. The top four candidates, regardless of party, move on to the November election. BETTER CHOICES ON THE BALLOT Instead of having your choices restricted because you have to choose just one party’s ballot in the primary, open primaries give you better choices and more voice in our elections. Candidates will still list their party affiliation as Republican, Democrat, or third-party, but all candidates appear on one ballot, and you can vote for your top choice, regardless of party. GREATER ACCOUNTABILITY IN TAXPAYER FUNDED ELECTIONS Requiring candidates to work to earn our votes will make them more accountable to “we the people,” not party bosses and special interests. In Montana, we want to be able to vote for our neighbors, not just a political party. Vote YES on CI-126 so you have the freedom to vote for the person, not the party. OPEN PRIMARIES FOR MONTANA Paid for by Montanans for Election Reform Action Fund • Bruce Tutvedt, President Doug Campbell, Treasurer • P.O. Box 315, Helena MT 59624
WHAT IS CI-126? TOP FOUR OPEN PRIMARY CI-126 changes primary elections so that all candidates, regardless of party, appear on a single ballot in June and all voters are able to choose between them. The top four candidates, regardless of party, move on to the November election. BETTER CHOICES ON THE BALLOT Instead of having your choices restricted because you have to choose just one party’s ballot in the primary, open primaries give you better choices and more voice in our elections. Candidates will still list their party affiliation as Republican, Democrat, or third-party, but all candidates appear on one ballot, and you can vote for your top choice, regardless of party. GREATER ACCOUNTABILITY IN TAXPAYER FUNDED ELECTIONS Requiring candidates to work to earn our votes will make them more accountable to “we the people,” not party bosses and special interests. In Montana, we want to be able to vote for our neighbors, not just a political party. Vote YES on CI-126 so you have the freedom to vote for the person, not the party. OPEN PRIMARIES FOR MONTANA Paid for by Montanans for Election Reform Action Fund • Bruce Tutvedt, President Doug Campbell, Treasurer • P.O. Box 315, Helena MT 59624