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Scobey Fire Department Fund Raiser - danielscountyleader_20241024_daniels_county_leader_10-24-2024_05_w-or9_art_3.xml

Cash Raffle and Door Prize Saturday, NOVEMBER 9
Enjoy A Great Meal, Some Fun & Support Your Local Fire Department! Scobey Fire Department Fund Raiser Steak Fondue Dinner Cash Raffle and Door Prize Saturday, NOVEMBER 9 th Social Hour 6:00 p.m. – Dinner 7:00 p.m. $ 20 St. Philips Catholic Center CCoonnttaacctt llooccaall fifirreemmeenn aanndd vvaarriioouuss bbuussiinneesssseess ffoorr ddiinnnneerr oorr ttiicckkeettss.. plate 5500//5500 CCaasshh RRaaffffllee Need Not Be Present To Win! 1st Place- 50% of total ticket sales 1st Place Drawing At Scobey Fire Department Fondue The pot is building and will grow a lot at this weekend’s event!!! Get A Ticket Today! $ 10 RAFFLE TICKETS
Enjoy A Great Meal, Some Fun & Support Your Local Fire Department! Scobey Fire Department Fund Raiser Steak Fondue Dinner Cash Raffle and Door Prize Saturday, NOVEMBER 9 th Social Hour 6:00 p.m. – Dinner 7:00 p.m. $ 20 St. Philips Catholic Center CCoonnttaacctt llooccaall fifirreemmeenn aanndd vvaarriioouuss bbuussiinneesssseess ffoorr ddiinnnneerr oorr ttiicckkeettss.. plate 5500//5500 CCaasshh RRaaffffllee Need Not Be Present To Win! 1st Place- 50% of total ticket sales 1st Place Drawing At Scobey Fire Department Fondue The pot is building and will grow a lot at this weekend’s event!!! Get A Ticket Today! $ 10 RAFFLE TICKETS