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Local Government Review -

Local Government Review Study Commission of Daniels County Timetable For Study Commission Delibera5ons and Ac5ons This & metable for the delibera& ons and ac& ons of the Daniels County Study Commission is established as required by 7-3-186, MCA for the purpose of assuring full public informa& on concerning the Local Government Review process in our county and enabling informed ci& zen par& cipa& on. All mee:ngs of the Study Commission are open to the public. Tuesday, December 8, 2024: all County Study Commission Mee& ngs are held at the Commissioners Room in the courthouse on the second Tuesday of the month at 5: 15 p.m. Any :me or loca:on changes will be posted on Daniels County website. Tuesday, February 11, 2025: Timeline adopted by the study commi ssion Tuesday, August 12, 2025: Tenta& ve .rst public hearing and town hall mee& ng Tuesday, December 9, 2025: Tenta& ve second public hearing and t own hall mee& ng Tuesday, March 10, 2026: Tenta& ve proposal posted for public co mment Tuesday, June 9, 2026: Tenta& ve third public hearing and town h all mee& ng Tuesday, July 14, 2026: Approval of public educa& on materials a nd .nal proposal publicly posted and prepared for November ballot; adopt the .nal report Tuesday, August 11, 2026: Public forum to discuss proposal with voters Tuesday, November 3, 2026: Elec& on will decide to adopt or reje ct any proposals made by the Study Commission. Tuesday, December 8, 2026: Study Commission ends term of o.ce, adopts any transi& on advisory plan, deposits all minutes and documents with the county clerk and recorder, and submits a copy of the .nal report to the MSU Local Government Center. Find agenda and minutes at:
Local Government Review Study Commission of Daniels County Timetable For Study Commission Delibera5ons and Ac5ons This & metable for the delibera& ons and ac& ons of the Daniels County Study Commission is established as required by 7-3-186, MCA for the purpose of assuring full public informa& on concerning the Local Government Review process in our county and enabling informed ci& zen par& cipa& on. All mee:ngs of the Study Commission are open to the public. Tuesday, December 8, 2024: all County Study Commission Mee& ngs are held at the Commissioners Room in the courthouse on the second Tuesday of the month at 5: 15 p.m. Any :me or loca:on changes will be posted on Daniels County website. Tuesday, February 11, 2025: Timeline adopted by the study commi ssion Tuesday, August 12, 2025: Tenta& ve .rst public hearing and town hall mee& ng Tuesday, December 9, 2025: Tenta& ve second public hearing and t own hall mee& ng Tuesday, March 10, 2026: Tenta& ve proposal posted for public co mment Tuesday, June 9, 2026: Tenta& ve third public hearing and town h all mee& ng Tuesday, July 14, 2026: Approval of public educa& on materials a nd .nal proposal publicly posted and prepared for November ballot; adopt the .nal report Tuesday, August 11, 2026: Public forum to discuss proposal with voters Tuesday, November 3, 2026: Elec& on will decide to adopt or reje ct any proposals made by the Study Commission. Tuesday, December 8, 2026: Study Commission ends term of o.ce, adopts any transi& on advisory plan, deposits all minutes and documents with the county clerk and recorder, and submits a copy of the .nal report to the MSU Local Government Center. Find agenda and minutes at: